Saturday, January 15, 2011

something bout love

很奇怪吧?怎么我突然把爱扯进来了?!也没什么啦~就是心血来潮罢了~今天在家忙了一整天。仔细想想也没干了很多事情~就是莫名感到累而已。。。新年来咯!不过本人就根本还没买新年衣啦~So,listen up people!a dress fr miumiu or sunglasses fr jimmy choo would be highly on demand!ahaha...I make it co convenient for pp who owe me bday present!!hehehe...*evil grinning*Miss JOEANN!!yes~u!!wont cost u much la~one month salary only mar~we so fren~~haha...

Now,lets talk about love~According to some pp,love is a madness.I do agree~
Young, mad love is some kind of a veritable monster.

To hold her by the waist turn her full circle dizzy in the head intense surge through the veins your six senses overload with an electric pulse reality dissolves into your being you into her and she into yours the moment, the now is within the two of you. The universe gone bonkers. Lips smash into each other with a full wet impact. All laws are suspended interrupted. Lights strobe gravity fails rotate revolve the earth balanced on a tiny pin set in swirling motion by a force like a beautiful gust blown straight through your hair from the beyond the star-lit aurora borealis horizon of the sea. Her nipples hard. Tug at your exploding crotch.You grab at each other, launch towards, collide. In Saliva. In Sweat. In flesh and blood. In a powerful fusion-fission of the senses. Fire-works and candy pop and a street lit with a million candles and a cheering blurry carnival of neon and Buddy Guy breathing down mad at his guitars until Hendrix joins him for a burning duet, Janis screaming banshee at the vocals and run and run, run, run, run, run and exult with your hands in the air.
All that is to grab each other like only those in the grip of young, mad love can do. The kind of love that hands out strange repercussions.
这是从passionforcinema.com抄下的。其内容我也赞成,只是他写得有点入骨。对我来说,爱的确是疯子干的事情。不过,我的爱情观对大部分人来说应该算奇怪吧~可能因为本身就是摩羯座的,对爱情都很务实,不浪漫,脚踏实地的~无可否认的,我对爱情这门子玩意儿也没太大的憧憬。可是,或许当一个人真的坠入爱河或卷进情海时,很多事情都会渐渐有所改变。虽然有点可笑又可怜,我发觉那傻傻的憧憬悄悄的在心中萌生。最近发觉自己很想像taylor swift那样(不是像他甜死人不偿命啦~我和她差很远~我是指歌)。刚开始时会想唱love story 'Romeo save me they tryin to tell me how to feel this love is difficult but it's real...'然后会想唱today was a fairytale 'today was a fairytale you've got a smile that takes me to another planet every move you make everything you say is right today was a fairytale'还有Mine 'do you remember when we're sitting there by the water?You put your arm around me for the first time You a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter you are the best thing that's ever been mine'但是说了是憧憬就当然是和现实落差很大的啦~毕竟憧憬还是憧憬嘛。。。现实生活中好像也没有fairytale这回事儿~可能有啦。。我没遇到而已~要一直hold on 这种相信fairytale存在的态度也太不像我了~所以,我的爱情观很简单啦~你开心我开心,你伤心我帮你打弄你伤心的人!哈哈。。。你跌倒笑你笑够了才扶你起身~我跌倒誓死不让你扶但又死赖账说你没良心不扶我~就是那样简单而已啦~芷盈不是个爱耍心机的人,也不是喜欢没事找事做的人~我的爱情没有fairytale只有生活。生活就是生命的燃料,没有燃料生命不会发亮。但有了燃料没有火也烧不起来,所以才要有爱啊!任何形色的爱都不可或缺~所以现在不想当taylor swift了~换一换歌。。。

stuck like glue-Sugarland

Absolutely no one that knows me better
No one that can make me feel so good
How did we stay so long together?
When everybody, everybody said we never would
And just when I, I start to think they're right
That love has died...

There you go making my heart beat again,
Heart beat again,
Heart beat again
There you go making me feel like a kid
Won't you do it and do it one time?
There you go pulling me right back in,
Right back in,
Right back in
And I know I'm never letting this go
I'm stuck on you
Stuck like glue
You and me baby we're stuck like glue
Stuck like glue
You and me baby we're stuck like glue
Some days I don't feel like trying
Some days you know I wanna just give up
When it doesn't matter who's right, thought about it all night
Had enough
You give me that look
"I'm sorry baby let's make up"
You do that thing that makes me laugh
And just like that...

There you go making my heart beat again,
Heart beat again,
Heart beat again
There you go making me feel like a kid
Won't you do it and do it one time
There you go pulling me right back in,
Right back in,
Right back in
And I know I'm never letting this go
I'm stuck on you
Stuck like glue
You and me baby we're stuck like glue
 Stuck like glue
You and me baby were stuck like glue
You almost stay out, too stuck together from the ATL
Feeling kinda sick?
Just a spoon full of sugar make it better real quick
I say
Whatcha gonna do with that?
Come on over here with that
Sugar sticky sweet stuff
Come on give me that stuff
Everybody wants some
Melodies that get stuck
Up in your head
Up in your head
Up in your head
Up in your head
Stuck like glue
You and me together, say, it's all I wanna do
I said

There you go making my heart beat again,
Heart beat again,
Heart beat again
There you go making me feel like a kid
Won't you do it and do it one time
There you go pulling me right back in,
Right back in,
Right back in
And I know I'm never letting this go
There you go making my heart beat again,
Heart beat again,
Heart beat again
There you go making me feel like a kid
Won't you do it and do it one time
There you go pulling me right back in,
Right back in,
Right back in
And I know I'm never letting this go
I'm stuck on you

That's my L O V E ~
yea it's simple and may not as interesting as urs...but its my L.o.V.e.
G.o.O.d . F.r.I.e.N.d.S




M.a.K.e.S . u.P


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